As a business owner you may be looking for affordable yet incredibly unique ways of creatively advertising and positively promoting your business, products and services. You can do so with the help of magnetic signs and vehicle wraps, which make for great automobile marketing. Through this highly effective mode of advertising you will be able to earn unmatched exposure for your business owing to the fact that vehicles travel and reach far and wide.
Magnetic vehicle signs are the perfect way to create a buzz about your business. As you currently drive by thousands of people a day, your vehicle is the perfect place to create an engaging magnetic vehicle signs, which costs far less than more traditional advertising channels.
Magnetic vehicle signs can be used on metal doors everywhere where magnet can be accepted, a good simple solution on signs that needs to be frequently changed. This services known as Large Magnet printing Services.
Megaformat.net’s custom magnetic signs are a real deal for temporary advertising on cars, trucks and buses. Magnetic vehicle signs are mostly used on front doors, but hey! You can place it anywhere you like on your vehicle. A typical magnetic vehicle signs format contains, your logo, service offered, and sale slogan with your contact information. Good thing is that it can be reused many times without ruining the paint of the vehicle.
Mega format Inc. uses high-quality magnets that hold up even when the vehicle is in motion on smooth or rough terrains. To order simply upload your artwork, containing your logo, short service message, and your contact information and we’ll print it to perfection. All our signs are simple and lay flat across the door or on the back of the car.
Order your printing requirements through our online portal – https://megaformat.net upload your custom artwork and get printed product at your door step across USA, Free store pickup is also available for local NY customers. Order online or call us for assistance: 718-855-2627. Mail us for custom quote at sales@megaformat.net.